LA Bound: The Ultimate Guide to Moving, Living, & Making Stuff Happen with Erica Wernick

Episode 203: When You're In A Slump (PART 2)



A crazy thing happened. I listened to my own podcast episode and got inspired. LOL. I walk my talk... It led me to create a FREE 5 Day Challenge to help you get out of the slump and gain your momentum back! I am ridiculously excited about it. Click here to sign up for the challenge that starts on Monday, July 8th! The challenge takes place on Facebook, and I did my first live video in there today giving ideas on how to get out of the slump. I didn't want to leave my podcast listeners hanging, so I decided to share this with you, too! This is extracted audio from the Facebook live where I talk about gaining your momentum back. If you want to hear more, come join us in the challenge!