Elsie's Yoga Class L Inspiration L Alignment L Connection

Ep. 20: 50 min Level 2 Yoga Class at the Center for Yoga- Magic



I turned it up a notch. This specific class on the schedule at the studio says a level 1-2 class, but I went a little bit more ;) The pace of this class is a bit faster than I usually teach. I also didn't do too many alignment principles through the vinyasa sequences, it was much more about moving with the breath and just opening up the body. I was inspired by a class that I had taken earlier in the week taught by one of my yogi friends, William Duprey. Y'all have to check out his website, he's just great! Still taking requests for charities! So click here, and let me know what you think! or call me at 206 666 4439 down dog uttanasana/ardha uttanasana x 3 tadasana with parvatasana arms 1/2 sun salutations x 3 sun salutation X 3 Crescent Pose Parsvakonasana On right leg only! Monkey Lunge Vira I/Vira II Crescent Pose/Lunge twist Ardha Chandrasana/Trikonasana Vashistasana Uttanasana/Utkatasana into twisting Utkatasana On the left side! Monkey Lunge Vira I/Vira II Crescent Pose/Lunge twist Ardha Chandrasana/Tri