Working Without Pants - For Agency Owners & Consultants

150: Establishing your point of view with Philip Morgan



Philip Morgan is a good friend of mine and joins us this week for the second time on here because he’s got some great insights to share! For good reason, his LinkedIn description says, “I'm a pusherman. I get paid to push people beyond their comfort zone so they can become the self-made experts they aspire to be.”  Philip helps small business owners build a point of view and to take a stance for what they believe in, which helps set them apart from others and propels their business forward just by creating this. He challenges people to do things that take their current level of expertise and amplify it in order to monetize their expertise.  Find out here what Philip means when he says that you need to pick a group of people you “feel love” for. Philip goes into detail on how you can specialize and narrow your focus to be in better control with your marketing and how you can build your credibility after declaring your specialty on your website. Don’t miss out on Philip’s great advice and opinions that will hav