Working Without Pants - For Agency Owners & Consultants

164: Evolutions, working with your spouse, and psychology with Jason Bay



On this episode, I sit down with Jason Bay of Blissful Prospecting. Jason and I are in the same Outbound industry, but we took different paths. His business helps sales teams to bring in more leads through cold outreach. Sales reps are great at taking demos and doing sales calls, but the struggle is often that the marketing team isn't filling their pipeline with leads - Blissful Prospecting provides training for sales teams so they can fill their pipeline with more organic leads (and depend less on the marketing team).   If you're interested in the outbound industry, you'll enjoy being a fly on the wall as we discuss the different paths you can take within 'outbound'. We also dive into topics like the dynamics of being a business partner with your wife and the psychological and mental challenges of being an entrepreneur.   We're all navigating our businesses through tough times right now, there's tons of food for thought on that topic this conversation.