Muscle Expert Podcast | Ben Pakulski Interviews | How To Build Muscle & Dominate Life

23 Joe Bennett The Hypertrophy Coach, Proper exercise selection, muscle activation techniques and the holy grail of muscle building.



MI40's own Head Trainer, Joe Bennett jumps on the podcast today to lay out some expert strategies, tools and tips for jumpstarting your hypertrophy gains today. Ben and Joe walk you through specific muscle activation techniques, the do's and dont's of hypertrophy training, exercise selection and why a having a large variety of exercises may not always be optimal for muscle growth. Key takeaways from the episode: -The key to building muscle is not about moving more weight, -There is no "best exercise" it depends on my variables specific to the person's body. - Understanding how to identify the a few Key symptoms that you're doing an exercise wrong will save you a lot of time and keep you from injuring yourself. More info and resources here!