Let's Speak Italian!

Week #006 Review, Monday



camera = bedroom mensa = cafeteria libreria = bookstore bagno = bathroom a = to, at si' = yes no = no dove = where dov'e' = where is quando = when adesso = now cibo = food ma = but grazie = thank you prego = you're welcome forse = maybe, perhaps pronto = ready, but it's also what you say when you answer the telephone instead of saying 'hello.' Sono stanco = I am tired (male) Sono stanca = I am tired (female) Ho fame = I am hungry Non lo so = I don't know Sei pronto? = Are you ready? (male) Sei pronta? = Are you ready? (female) Sono pronto = I am ready (male) Sono pronta = I am ready (female) colazione = breakfast pranzo = lunch cena = dinner, supper mattina = morning pomeriggio = afternoon sera = evening notte = night giorno = day settimana = week mese = month anno = year minuto = minute ora = hour fa = ago orologio = clock, watch mezzogiorno = noon mezzanotte = midnight Che ore sono? = What time is it? E' l'una = It's one o'clock Sono le due = It's two o'clock E' mezzogiorno = It's noon E' mezzonotte = It's