The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1374: LLVLC Classic - Sally Fallon Morrell And Dr. Loren Cordain Face Off Over The Veracity Of The Paleo Diet



Weston A. Price Foundation President Sally Fallon Morrell and Ancestral diet researcher and author Dr. Loren Cordain are our interview guests today in Episode 1374 of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show.” Today we continue with an LLVLC Classic episode featuring Sally Fallon Morrell and Dr. Loren Cordain facing off with their views on the Paleo Diet. After Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) President Sally Fallon Morrell received numerous requests from WAPF members about the differences between the diet her organization promotes and low-carb as well as Paleo diets, Sally decided to address it directly in her “President’s Message” in the Summer 2013 Wise Traditions newsletter. What she wrote in that newsletter upset a lot of people primarily from the Paleo community who support the work of the WAPF but didn’t understand why she chose to single out a narrowly-defined interpretation of Paleo for her criticism. We also bring you a very enlightening conversation with the man at the heart of a recent controversy that