Barbell Shrugged - Talking Training W/ Crossfit Games Athletes, Strength Coaches & More

The Bledsoe Show  —  Christmas Abbott: Unplanned Doesn’t Mean Unwelcome — 67



Christmas Abbott is a professional athlete, a CrossFit Games competitor, an olympic weightlifter, and NASCAR Pit Crew. She is also a branding advisor, working with individuals and teams to craft their own unique brand, helping them to put their best foot forward and share their passion with others.   Christmas is also a transformational guru, creator of Christmas Abbott Nutrition, Oxygen Magazine Trainer Challenge Head Trainer, Badass Body Diet Creator, online fitness foach, motivational speaker, keynote speaker and national bestselling author. In this episode, Christmas opens up about her pregnancy and her relationship with Ben Bunn. She also shares her experience participating in the TV show Big Brother, why 2017 was a tough year for her, and much more.  Enjoy! -Mike Bledsoe and The Shrugged Collective ----------------------------------------------- Please support our partners! Onnit's is a Total Human Optimization company with a mission to inspire peak performance through a combination of unique produc