Barbell Shrugged - Talking Training W/ Crossfit Games Athletes, Strength Coaches & More

Real Chalk  — Adapting to Change w/ Bryan Boorstein - 21



Bryan Boorstein is the owner and founder of Evolved Training Systems. He is also owner of San Diego Athletics, a hybrid style CrossFit gym that provides programming for CrossFit and physique athletes. The Evolved Training System is Bryan’s staple program; a unique combination of multiple different training methodologies combined together with the optimal dose of each: - Low-Rep Strength Training - Bodybuilding for aesthetics - Metcon and “HIIT” intervals for conditioning - Bodyweight Training On Monday May 7th, the Evolved Daily Training Program will be released on the website for only $19 per month. All of the training utilizes only free weight and bodyweight movements, so you can perform this training in a functional fitness gym, a standard “Globo” gym atmosphere, or even your home gym! Bryan is determined to educate the fitness community on working-out smarter. He is continually researching new methodologies to help his clients reach their goals while maintaining a happy, balanced life. In this episode, Br