Docking Bay 94 The Board Game Reviewers Podcast

Hearty Health Hospital



Sorry to be running a little late this week, but I think you will find the content well worth it. Since Wash has been busy prepping and preparing for the House of Borgia Kickstarter fixing to launch on February 15th, I asked Moe to stop by our virtual studio and hang out for this week's belated episode. This actually works out perfect since we both had received review copies of Victory Points Hearty Health Hospital at BGGCon last year. This gives us a chance to review and discuss about the cooperative game at length. We also talk about our time spent on Tabletopia playing Draco Magi and our impressions of the virtual world that is invading our tabletop space. Of course, a podblast wouldn't be complete without talking about some Kickstarter projects on Kickstarter right now, and reveal two projects Moe and I have received lately that failed in their delivery of the final product. 5:00 Games Played Section: Healthy Heart Hospital, Draco Magi, Tabletopia 17:00 Kickstarter Projects: e-solo-e, Polyversal 6mm Mini