Extraordinary Moms Podcast

Episode 350: Seeking Help for Mental Health and Eating Disorders with Laura Cragun



Today my guest is Laura Cragun. She is a mother of 3 young kids, 7, 4 and 2 years old. She has been through a residential treatment center in the last year for her severe depression and suicidal idealization. Then a few months later, she went to an eating disorder recovery outpatient program. All of this has been so hard on her family but she has learned so much and is much happier and whole. She also coaches and teaches Christian women how to regain their life back after years of dieting and struggling with body image and instead give it back to themselves and God through Intuitive Eating, mindset skills and most importantly, through Christ. Show Notes:  Click here for the Free Guide - "5 Steps Start Intuitive Eating" Click here for a complimentary - Intuitive Eating Breakthrough Session This Show is Sponsored by... Dealing with anxiety or depression can be paralyzing, but you should know that you’re not broken, and you’re not alone. And when you want help, Brightside is there for you. Brightside offers pers