Keene Point Of View

Trillificent Said Stop Shaming Bottoms!!!



I was friends with Trillificent (Curtis). This is a podcast that was recorded almost two years ago where he was my guest. I explain what happened and why it was not posted at the beginning of the podcast. Curtis said he understood why it took so long with everything that happened from summer in 2018 until I was ready to post it in 2019 but I had a family loss and a lot of other things happen in 2019 that made it impossible to focus. Thus, this is now when I am able to edit this and get it out. I miss Curtis. I miss his insight, his humor, and his love. He was a good and loyal friend. I could not attend his funeral due to financial reasons, but I guess, in a way, this is a big tribute that I can give and hopefully you can also partake in remembering him as the funny, intelligent, and warm man that he was.The podcast opens with Curtis's activities and background before the topics start. The topics for this podcast were Trump in a closed-door meeting with Putin in Finland, a Christian blogger's views o