Aspen Chapel: A Spiritual Home For Everyone

" Responding with Love " with Nicholas Vesey, September 18th, 2016



This is the last of our series on the Journey of life. Which, as I said last week is not really a journey to anywhere, more like a dance with the cosmos. Over the last 4 weeks we have been looking at that dance being one of three steps. 1. Hold your nerve a. Speaks to sanity, being able to balance what is going on in your head, and what is going on out there. Hold to what you know is true in the balance of those two things 2. Put one foot in front of the other a. Cannot stand still, have to move forward, not knowing or being attached to the outcome And this week we are looking at Responding to circumstances in a loving way. So we are holding our nerve, we are stepping out of the boat and not looking down in fear and we put one foot in front of the other – what could possibly go wrong? No matter how enlightened we are, events come our way it is just about how we respond to them. Listen to hear more.Support the show (