Wise Accounting Podcast (wap)

WAP EP029 - ATO Fix-It Squads, $1.6m cap staying and ASIC SMSF Penalties



The mini return!  It has been quiet, but it is not our fault!  Thankfully there has not been much to report, and even this week it is debatable.  However, with the sharing economy getting more and more ATO attention it seemed fitting to record one and share some "hot spots".  This week: The ATO "fix it squad" gets it teeth stuck in to the sharing economy.  Reminding us to remind you, that if you earn income from these methods, eg Uber, Air BnB, Task Rabbit that it is still assessable income and needs to be declared.  Keep your records and ensure all income and deduction sources are at hand. The Treasure has announced that the $1.6 million cap on retirement benefits is not going anywhere!  The Government still intends to introduce this in to parliament.  If this affects you, then you may eant to watch how this develops closely. ASIC has slugged a practice $10,800 in fines for advertising misleading the consumer in regards to the establishment of a Self Managed Super Fund.  Again, just letting accountants know