Fry And Cry

#9 - Terminator 2



You're gonna need to SIT DOWN for this one Frybabies. A mysterious traveler from THE FUTURE has come for Evan & Erica, with an important message. Turns out this podcast is going to SAVE HUMANITY because in the year 2331 people lose the ability to cry, and the world is in desperate need of becoming more emotionally venerable! We know, it's a lot. Our heroes embrace their new destiny WITH COURAGE and continue their (and our journey) of...crying and eating with TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY. Evan is NOT happy that most folks overlook this movie when they think of sad flicks, and boy will he let you hear about it. Erica opens up her book of conspiracy theories and walks us through the legend known as THE JOHN CONOR CURESE (Sppooooooooky). Also there's a new KICK ASS theme song. Saviors of the Universe kinda need those. This is Fry and Cry y'all and you know it's gonna get sad, fattening, and more than a little weird!