Emily Smith

Premiering: New Music Video from Shay Martin Lovette // New to Rotation: Paul Benjaman, Hello June, Rosali, Moviola, Van Plating & more



"Today, The Alt-Country Show premieres the scenic, DIY music video for "Parkway Bound." The song can be found on North Carolina artist, Shay Martin Lovette's sophomore release, Scatter & Gather. The album dropped on May 14th and is produced by Joseph Terrell of Mipso. Beautiful arrangements showcase Lovette's crisp vocals and punctuate his songwriting. [youtubelg]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UILkszuP0p4[/youtubelg] Lovette tells us a little bit about the making of the video, recording "Parkway Bound" for the album, and Scatter & Gather as a whole. On the idea behind the video: "I’m super excited to share this video, especially because it was a 100% DIY affair and the footage was captured on iPhones. My partner, Julianna Liegel captured most of the footage and Joseph Terrell, Gabe Anderson, and I filmed the rest. Gabe Anderson also edited the video. The idea for this video was pretty straight forward. “Parkway Bound” was written around the concept of someone leaving their troubles behind and esc