Why We Listen Podcast Why We Listen

Why We Listen 39 – Brontez Purnell



Brontez Purnell meets with Marc Kate for the 39th episode of Why We Listen to listen to and discuss: Bettye Swann – ‘Make Me Yours’ Bikini Kill – ‘Outta Me’ Blondie – ‘X Offender’ Brontez is a choreographer and a writer and a musician from San Francisco. Brontez Purnell on Facebook. The Younger Lovers on Facebook. Listen to the podcast on the player below, or download HERE. You can also subscribe to Why We Listen via iTunes HERE. Listen to Why We Listen on Stitcher HERE. RSS feed: https://whywelisten.wordpress.com/feed/ Thanks for listening. http://www.whywelisten.marckate.com/Assets/audio/39-Brontez_Purnell.mp3