Hope & Wellness 's Podcast

69 - Full #STEAM Ahead with Diallo Sumbry: The Adinkra Group and Cultural Arts Studio



Mr. Diallo Sumbry is a father, artist, mentor. and one of the founders of the Adinkra Group in Mount Rainier, Maryland. This collective focuses on the culture and arts from the African diaspora, West Africa, the Carribean, Cuba and Latin America, and includes choreographer and personal trainer Akosua Akoto of ASA!Fitness , musician and cancer survivor Emerson Gibson, aka Spyda the DJ, the intergenerational dance group Farafina Kan ,and educator and photographer Kofi Handon of Loves Life Photography. The current GoFundMe campaign for the Adinkra Cultural Arts Studio will help the artists renovate and expand their current studio , and offer more African-centered arts programs to students of all ages. We speak with the Mr. Diallo Sumbry and discuss the economics of art in general, with a focus on the Adinkra Cultural Arts Studio . #SpydaStrong #EngageYourCore