Aspen Chapel: A Spiritual Home For Everyone

" Starting Again " with Nicholas Vesey, August 28th, 2016



Well for me it is the start of a new semester. Summer is behind us, the kids are back in school, the music festival is over, and we are left looking into the fall, towards the election, thanksgiving and eventually Christmas. And a new beginning always gives pause for thought. Where am I going? What is my life about? How am I doing? Could I do better? Where am I failing? What should I change? How do I manage? And so we look around, and we try to make adjustments. And yet as we take stock as to where we are aiming for and where we have got to, it is easy to forget that we are in fact in the perfect place to take that next step in our lives. A while ago, when I was talking about humility I said that there were three things we should do to ensure that we stay in that place of humility is: 1. Hold your nerve Speaks to sanity, being able to balance what is going on in your head, and what is going on out there. Hold to what you know is true in the balance of those two things 2. Put one foot in front of the ot