Cooper Brunner Podcast

#12 No Human is Limited - Brian Reynolds



Interview with former Marathon WR Holder Brian Reynolds - Double Leg Amputee “Monster Runner”Background Story:Double Amputee Distance RunnerFormer Marathon WR Holder for bilateral below knee amputees 3:03:22 ChicagoBroke Double Amputee Half Marathon Wineglass Race Series Marathon in NYCP.R. at 1:17:05So what happened to YOU, give us your story about your condition!Powerlifting Days:At age 23, could Powerlift 485 Lbs @ 132 pounds.How did you train to achieve such absurd numbers!?How did you overcome lifting without squatting or using your lower half? What equipment did you use? Running Journey/ WR Chasing Walk us through your journey to running marathons, you went from powerlifting to running because…? Tell us the story behind that transition. In the article made by Runners World, you state that “Running is about consistency” what kept you motivated/driven or inspired to stay consistent with your running to push through barriers and become a “monster runner”?What sort of training/running do you do leading up t