Surfer Life

Dennis Olsen



If you found surfing in your life at a young age, as I did, and have any hint of entrepreneurial spirit, you’ve considered starting your own surf company.  Growing up I always thought it would be a hell of a career to work in. But when I got a taste of the surf industry, I knew it wasn’t for me. Initially it seemed like the cool dudes ran it, but when I toyed with the idea of making a career out of it, I couldn’t bring myself to be 100% passionate about pushing someone’s brand. Maybe if I started it myself, or was part of something when it began it would have been more exciting. That’s been part of the mission statement of Surfer Life since we started the podcast. We want to tell surfer’s surf stories, not focus on what brand pays for a surfer to slap a sticker on our board. I feel like surfers in general are a fairly conscientious sort, but our loyalty to brands is disingenuous to the core to our character. It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth.   Still, if you’re a surfer it’s difficult to not get wrapped u