Saturday Morning Trek: A Podcast About Star Trek In The 1970s

16: Star Trek Laid Flat



Star Trek: The Classic UK Comics, Vol. 1. When you think of Star Trek comics of the 1970s, the Gold Key comics, the comics that promoted Star Trek: The Motion Picture on the side of McDonald's Happy Meals, or the weekly newspaper strips may come to mind. But if you're from the UK, adventures from the pages of TV 21 and Joe 90 probably trump them all. Six months before the original Star Trek TV series premiered in England, British readers were introduced to the characters through an original comic book series. These stories were serialized, generally 2–3 pages in length, and appeared in 257 weekly magazines spanning five years and 37 storylines. In this episode of Saturday Morning Trek, we're joined by Rich Handley to discuss the these psychedelic 1970s voyages. Rich is the man who undertook the Herculean task of compiling the 244-page tome. We explore the experience of delving into obscure cartoons and the nitty gritty of scanning 45-year-old newspapers to create a coffee table-quality book. Take a peek at th