3 Minutes With Kent

Sharing server/client validation logic with @remix_run



Hey friends, so I'm working on this little remix app and just something about remix that I just this so cool the fact that your server and client side code run is written in the same file if in case you didn't know that that's that's what you do and it's really cool for validation so you can start by validating just a hundred percent on the server and remix makes it quite nice to be able to do that and that's where your validation should absolutely. 100% go by default that's like if you're gonna do it anywhere do it right there, but having client side validation can be nice for you know, showing error messages and stuff and so because the client side and silver side code is written in the same file, you don't want to like duplicate that that logic and so you just extract it to a function and then in the server you call that function and the client you call that function and when remix shakes out all of the stuff that function will appear in both places, but you don't have to write it twice and so. I'm just wr