3 Minutes With Kent

Don't bundle and minify your published npm packages



https://twitter.com/kentcdodds/status/1394420201542668289?s=20 So the other day I tweeted about how I really want people to stop minifying and bundling what they send to NPM. And just to clarify I it's fine if you want to minify and bundle as one of the things you distribute as part of your package, but it shouldn't be the only thing and there are a couple of reasons and what I do for my packages is I actually do have a UMD module that is bundled and I have a minified version of that as well. So we have two of those and then I've got an ESM.R version which is like fake ESM right now eventually I'll get around to making a native VSM supported version. And then a common JS and those are the the four formats that I shipped to NPM. So the reason that I really really don't want people to exclusively ship minified code is even with source maps can it can be really difficult to debug and especially when we're talking about libraries that I'm interacting with well even even transitive dependencies. I like to be able