3 Minutes With Kent

Smart watches, smart rings, and Progressive Web Apps



Hey there friends. Have you heard of progressive enhancement or progressive web apps? Well, I thought of a real world thing that kind of resembles what this actually means and what it doesn't. So, you know how like there's all these memes of like I got a smart thermostat and now it's broken because my internet went down or something like that and so now I'm like steaming hot like why did I do this and and we have the same sort of thing with my watch and so I have a smartwatch. It's a,Nice one. It's a fossil I guess. And then I also have an aura ring and both of them are useful in their own different ways. But when my watch breaks or if it runs out of battery, which is more often, it doesn't break very like ever. But when it runs out of battery, I'm no longer able to even tell the time. So, it's like totally a break. It's useless as just like a break on my wrist. That is not great. But when my ring runs out of battery,That's also not great but it's still functions as a ring. And so in this context progressive