3 Minutes With Kent

The nuance of promotion, incentives, ulterior motives, and the benefit of the doubt



Hello there friends, so I've just been thinking about incentives and companies and and the yeah, like what what motivates people to have different opinions and stuff like that. And I want to use myself as an example here because I think it's a there's a lot of nuance with the way that we kind of automatically think that people are have ulterior motives. So, I created epic react to teach people how to learn react. And so my question is did did I create epic react?And then say hey everybody it's React is amazing and like is my ulterior motive in telling people that react as awesome and they should use it so that I can sell courses or did I discover react and I got really excited about it and I and I just think that it's a fantastic way to build it web applications and so as a result of this I create epic reacts as well as all of my other material and stuff. To convince people to use it just because I think that it's a really great framework. And then I finance my my free work by selling.Epic React I can tell yo