3 Minutes With Kent

Global gitignore and .ignored files/folders



Hello there friends So this morning I was just thinking about this little tip that I share with you. It's pretty quick. In my global git ignore, which is located in my home directory dot get ignore underscore global. I have a couple of things in here that I wanted to shout out and specifically this morning. I was thinking about my ignored global good ignore. So I am I have a two rules that will ignore any files that or any directories that end in dot ignored in any files that include dot ignored dot in the file name and so what this allows me to do is very easy. Within the context of my project create a temporary file like temp dot ignored.js where I can script up a little things. I can require dependencies and require files in my application and whatever all within the context of the app and I can mess around kind of like a playground sort of thing to work on something until I have it solid and then I can take that code over to where it actually is. This can be really helpful when the feature that I'm workin