Mt Lebanon United Methodist Church's Podcast

The Interpreter



On that first Christian Pentecost, Peter was the interpreter who answered the crowd’s question about the meaning of the translation. He addressed the people and told them about Jesus and about salvation.In other words, the communication miracle of Pentecost happened because the Holy Spirit translated and Peter interpreted. Has it ever occurred to you that both translation and interpretation are still necessary to the spread of Christianity?Scripture reading:  Acts 2:1-20Pastor Tom Strandburg, preacher.------------The special music in today's podcast is "Der Heilig Geist vom Himmel kam" by Johannes Eccard (1553–1611), sung by members of the MLUMC choir. The German text and an English translation are given below.Der heilig Geist vom Himmel kam, mit Brausen das ganz Haus einnahm, darin die Jünger sassen; Gott wollt sie nicht verlassen. O welch ein selig Fest ist der Pfingesttag gewest! Gott sende noch jetzt undin unser Herz und Mund sein heil'gen Geist! Das sei ja, das sei ja, so singen wir H