Ko Sales Coach

How to Make Control Buyers Your Favorite Type of Customer



Control Buyers For many salespeople, control buyers are the most challenging....but they don’t need to be.   On today's show discover: ... where control buyers are coming from so you have a better understanding and appreciation for their approach; ...how to tell if you’re interacting with a control buyer so you can respond appropriately; ...some ideas for successfully selling to control buyers!   Subscribe and Review in iTunes Where do Control buyers come from? Many control buyers are aggressive and their take charge attitude has a lot do with a fear of being disrespected, bullied or taken advantage of. It really has nothing to do with you they’ve just learned that the best way to deal with salespeople is to come out swinging. What's the best way to handle a Control buyer? The worst thing you can do is react forcefully...it’s only going to confirm their fears and cause them to get more aggressive. A better approach is to show them you’re different. Show them: You’re respectful You aren’t going to bully the