Ko Sales Coach

How to Reduce Risk for Skeptical Customers



Skeptical Customers You've run into them before and they are skeptical about everything. They are very leery and it can be a challenge to convince them to give you, and your product a try. They are skeptical customers and they feel like buying is risky business but you can help them feel more at ease! On today's show discover: ... 5 simple ways to help skeptical customers feel more confident about doing business with you, your company and about trying your product. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." ...it’s what Skeptical customers live by...they’re leery of everything and like the song says.... ‘they won’t be fooled again” For them everything is a risk: Will it really do what you say it will? Why should I trust you? What if it doesn’t work, will you be here for me after the sale? 5 Ways to Help Skeptical Customers Feel More at Ease 1) Set realistic expectations When it sounds too good to be true skeptical customers become even more skeptical. Remember they’ve heard it all befor