Ko Sales Coach

What to Think About I Need to Think About It



I Need to Think About It “I need to think about it” ....have you ever had a customer say that to you? If you’ve been in sales for any length of time chances are pretty good you’ve heard it. It’s a normal reaction but if you’re hearing it a lot...that’s not normal and you may be giving your customer too much to think about. On today's show discover: ...one of the most common reasons customers don’t buy; ...how to avoid giving your customer too much to think about; ... and a proven method for overcoming the “I need to think about it” objection. Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes The Downfall of Civilization A colleague once told me he felt the downfall of civilization would someday be traced back to crayons. (an odd idea but he certainly had my attention) You see at one time there were just a few colors. Red, Green, Blue, Yellow....but now there are too many to choose from. In fact, Crayola crayons come in 120 colors including 23 reds, 20 greens, 19 blues, 8 yellows and more... It’s kind of the same with TV