Ko Sales Coach

How to Make Buyers Remorse a Thing of the Past



Buyers Remorse If you’ve ever made a purchase, got home and then started having second thoughts you know what it’s like to experience buyers remorse. On today's show discover: ... what buyers remorse is; ... why it happens; ... and what you can do to reduce it. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes What is Buyers Remorse? Buyers remorse is a feeling of regret you may experience after having made a purchase. Usually it happens after you buy something big like a car or a house but it can happen after any purchase. It’s this little voice in your head going....”should I have done that?” “ did I make the right decision?” “ I wonder if this will really work like they said?”  Why does it happen? Buyers remorse is actually a natural emotion that everyone feels as part of the buying process. Before you buy you’re excited by all of the possibilities, you're anticipating good things and experiencing the positive, fun side of shopping. It