Ko Sales Coach

Analytical Annie, How to Adapt and Make the Sale



The Best Way to Sell to Analytical Buyers In previous episodes of the show we’ve talked about the different types of buyers you run into in sales. We’ve defined them as Impulse, Skeptical, Control and Analytical Buyers. They all have their own set of characteristics, likes and dislikes and to be a well rounded salesperson; it’s important you’re able to identify and adjust to each of them. On today’s show discover: …how to recognize an Analytical Buyer; … ideas for adapting your style; … and the best way to sell to Analytical Buyers Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Who is the Analytical Buyer? Wouldn’t be nice if customers walked into your store with a big sign around their neck that said “Analytical Annie”, “Impulsive Irma”, “Controlling Carl” or Skeptical Skip”? It certainly would make it a lot easier to know what you’re getting into….but it doesn’t work that way so you need to do a little detective work and pay close at