Ko Sales Coach

How to Get Lucky in Sales



Lucky in Sales Have you ever met one of those people who just seems to be lucky. No matter what, they always seem to land on their feet. When no one else is making sales they “luck” into a customer that wants to buy. But if luck is so random....how can it be so consistent for some? On today's show you'll discover... ... if luck is a factor when it comes to sales success; ... why some salespeople seem to be luckier than others; ... and how you can provoke luck to increase your sales performance.  Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Luck by Definition If you google the word luck, you’ll find quite a few different definitions but one of my favorites is from the author Max Gunther who defines luck as "events that influence one's life and are seemingly beyond one's control" It’s an interesting definition, especially when you key in on the word “seemingly”. To me, it suggests that while luck may appear to be beyond your control yo