Ko Sales Coach

How to Grow Your Comfort Zone



The Roast Beef Story A mother was showing her daughter how to make pot roast. “First, we need to cut off both ends.” The little girl looked at her mother and said “Why?” To which her mother replied, “well that’s the way we’ve always done it but come to think of it I don’t know why either. Let’s call your grandmother and ask her.” The girl dialed the phone. “Hi Grandma, why do we cut the ends of the pot roast ?” Her grandmother thought and then said “Well, we’ve always done it that way, it’s how my mother taught me and how I taught your mother. Actually, I really don’t know why. Why don’t you call your great-grandmother and ask her.” The little girl hung up and dialed her great grandmother. “Hello great granny, why do we cut the ends off the pot roast?” The great grandmother thought and replied “Well, back when I taught your grandmother how to cook the oven was too small and it wouldn’t fit otherwise.” The point of the story? Just because you’ve always done it that way, doesn’t mean it’s the right way to do it