Ko Sales Coach

7 Amazingly Foolish Things Salespeople Do



Foolish Things Salespeople Do I thought in honor of April fools day it would be fun to do an episode about some of the amazingly foolish things salespeople do. Now, if you’ve done any of these don’t feel bad (most likely we’ve all done at least some of these before) and hopefully…you’re not doing them anymore…I mean if you were that would be pretty foolish! On today’s show discover: …can cause your customer to say no; …shake your confidence and … are avoided by top sales pros (who probably made these mistakes at one time or another too). 1 Providing Irrelevant Information You’ve studied your product knowledge and you’re eager to share what you know but raining down information that’s relevant to the product and irrelevant to your customer does more harm than good. Why is it foolish?   Well, when you provide too much information you could: Introduce an objection Seem like you’re not listening Look desperate (like you’re overselling and not confident)   And cause your customer to lose interest and excitement