Ko Sales Coach

When Practice Doesn't Make Perfect



Learning Never Ends Once upon a time there was a very strong woodcutter name Woody and he applied for a job cutting down trees. He won the job and he  was determined to do his best. His boss, Forest,  gave him an ax and showed him where to cut down trees. On the first day, Woody began cutting and fell fifteen trees.Forest was impressed and praised Woody for doing such a great job. The next day, Woody was highly motivated by Forest’s praise, so he tried even harder but he could only bring down ten trees. The third day he took it up a notch  but was only able to bring down seven trees (half what he’d done the first day). Woody apologized to Forest saying "I must be losing my strength, I can’t understand what’s going on with me.” Forest thought for a moment and asked "When was the last time you sharpened your ax, Woody?"  Woody hadn’t had time to sharpen his ax he was too busy cutting down trees. You know most of us struggle to update our skills, and we assume that whatever we’ve learned so far is sufficient. Bu