Everyday Ayurveda And Yoga At Hale Pule

How the mahagunas determine your mental health



 <p> In this episode, Myra uncovers how the mind operates on an energetic level through the lens of the mahagunas - the 3 prime energies that compose all of nature.  </p> <ol><li>The impact of excess rajas and tamas on your mind and your ability to make live-giving choices</li> <li>Why misuse of the senses reduces your mental health</li> <li>The relationship between anxiety and attachment</li> <li>Why you miss out on miracles when you put things in a box</li> </ol>  <p>Thanks for tuning in to the Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule podcast. If this series inspires you to live a more holistic and balanced lifestyle, check out Hale Pule's <a href= "https://www.halepule.com/ayurvedic-healing/agni-therapy"> Agni Therapy program <a> - a reset for your digestion and your life! It includes Ayurveda and Yoga practices, energy work, a private support group and weekly live Q&A to support your healing process