Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

EP 12: How am I with Change? + Mindfulness Reiki Energy Healing Meditation



How am I with Change: For the last couple of weeks, the energies from the collective may have been feeling intense. The energy of change is quite literally knocking at our doors. Important then to ask yourself at this point, "How am I with change?" Do you allow it gracefully? Are you carrying on regardless, same old, same old, while the energies shift from underneath you? Do you limit how change operates in your life, holding on to some idea of control? One of the elements of allowing change is working with higher dimensional energies that simply dissolve old structures and help give birth to the new. And that's what we're going to be doing, in this meditation to allow you to uplift to a higher energy frequency and be more in the flow of change with ease and grace.  Centering Intention: “I am surrendering and allowing myself to be in the flow of change with ease and grace for my highest good.”