Cooper Brunner Podcast

#6 Learning How To Sleep Smarter, Not Longer



Sleep is actually an elevated anabolic state, meaning that in the midst of your deep sleep the body is heightening the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, skeletal, and muscular system. To make it simple, sleep is basically helping your skin or appearance look younger and rebuilding your bodies system. Getting high quality sleep improves the functioning of your brain, boosts your metabolism, and increases physical energy. You will not have the body and life you want without giving your body enough rest, during  your sleep cycles your body naturally discharges a hormone called melatonin, which is produced by the Pinal gland in your brain and sends a signal to regulate the sleep-wake cycle in your body.It helps control your wake and sleep cycles and keeps our mind sharp, plus prevents diseases such as Alzheimer's, insomnia and fatigue. One of the best ways our bodies can produce melatonin is by getting more sunlight during the day. We know that naturally the bodies melatonin production  is lowered throu