Canterbury Mornings

Lianne Dalziel: Christchurch Mayor on rubbish bins, Mongrel Mob events, and long term plans



Christchurch's mayor feels partly responsible for residents' lax attitude towards recycling.The council's confiscated more than 650 yellow bins in the past year - after a contamination spike during the lockdown.Mayor Lianne Dalziel told Chris Lynch recycling couldn't be sorted during the lockdown, so residents were able to get away with it."I think I was partially responsible for the decision that saw the yellow bin being used for all sorts of rubbish."Meanwhile, Christchurch residents will have a chance to speak their mind on how their city will look in 10 years.Consultation on the council's long term plan closed last month - and staff are now wading through the public's submissions.Dalziel says public hearings begin this week."We've received 2374 submissions, and 445 submitters wished to be heard, and about 180 of those are organisations."LISTEN ABOVE