Finding Your Frequency

Chapter One: Defining Your Message



“Finding Your Frequency” is the culmination of 25 years in the radio industry and for current or aspiring talk radio talent is a step by step manual on how to create and grow as a talk radio or TV personality. This week Jeff Spenard, Founder and Chief Executive Officer and Ryan Treasure, Vice President of Broadcast Operations will present Chapter 1 “Defining Your Message”. Jeff and Ryan will discuss with fellow Sr. Executive Producers, Winston Price and Robert Ciolino how a new or seasoned talk radio host cuts through the world of talk to focus and refine ones Message. To illustrate the value of “Defining Your Message” Jeff and Ryan will also interview Patricia Raskin, a 30 year media veteran serving as a catalyst for creating positive change. Topics include how Patricia has become a leader in talk radio and how internet talk has supported her syndication and professional ambitions. The first step to creating a successful, long term talk radio or television show is defining your message. Find