Bible Thinker

Asking Mike Winger Those Controversial Questions



0:00 - Introduction 1. 5:55 What are your thoughts on divorce and remarriage for Christians? Is it biblical? 2. 15:33 What are your thoughts about the Covid vaccine, and about following other government mandates or laws? 3. 22:52 What do you think of women in positions of Christian leadership? 4. 24:39 Is it o.k. for Christians to live in prosperity? How prosperous is too prosperous for a Christian, when it comes to possessions? Should Christians sell all that they have? 5. 29:05 How can we share the gospel to gay friends? Do you believe there is such a thing as a "gay Christian" that continues to act on their temptations? If someone is currently in a gay marriage, should they divorce, or stay committed to the marriage? 6. 44:01 What does Pastor Mike think about Nate and Sutton’s channel? 7. 45:47 Why do we worship on Sundays when the 10 Commandments talk about the Sabbath and even Jesus kept the Sabbath? 8. 49:49 What is your perspective on the practice of speaking in tongues? Is that gift for today? And wha