Sales Funnel Mastery: Business Growth | Conversions | Sales | Online Marketing

SFM: Ep11 - Using "Forgotten" Direct Mail Strategies For Upselling



Welcome back to the 3rd part in this 5 part series. In episode #11 I'll be discussing RARELY used direct mail strategies which can be easily implemented (even automated) to take your back-end to an entirely new level. Transcript: Hey everyone. Welcome back to the Sales Funnel Mastery podcast. This is your host Jeremy Reeves. Today, we’re going to be talking about Part 3 of this 5 part series of how to add upsells to your sequence, to your buying sequence, your marketing funnel, without pissing off your customers. We’re going through a couple different ways that you can do this that you can leverage that timing of when people are in heat. When your customers just bought a product, you want to sell them to take advantage of the timing. They’re really excited to buy. They’re motivated to buy. They’re in the most susceptible state to buying other products that you sell, but you want to do that without being aggressive and annoying. That’s what this series is covering. Just as a quick recap, so far we’ve gone over