Sales Funnel Mastery: Business Growth | Conversions | Sales | Online Marketing

SFM Ep19: The Biggest Sales Funnel Mistakes To Avoid



Visit for more information. In episode #19 I'm going to show you exactly what mistakes to avoid that MOST people are making. These are strategy mistakes that can completely ruin your sales funnel if you're making them. Listen in and discover if you're making any of the 7 I discuss in the episode. Transcript: Hey, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Sales Funnel Mastery podcast. This is your host, Jeremy Reeves and today is October 1st, we're getting into the last quarter of the year.   I'm actually starting to plan 2015. My goals for next year - I already have them set - is to double gross revenue and increase personal income by 50%, which I think is achievable because I'm going to start scaling my business a lot more and doing a couple things that I'm really excited about next year that I'm starting to implement now.   So I'm excited. I'm starting to plan October. I hope you are too. In fact, by the time this podcast comes out, it's probably going to be either Wednes