Sales Funnel Mastery: Business Growth | Conversions | Sales | Online Marketing

Peter Shankman On Startups, ADD, Mindset, PR And More!



In this episode, we bring in Peter Shankman. Peter is an incredibly successful entrepreneur as well as an angel investor, speaker, author and so much more. In this quick, straight to thepoint episode we cover a wide variety of topics such as using PR to grow your business, coping with and using ADD to your advantage, having an entrepreneurial mindset, living life on your own terms and so much more. Enjoy! Resources Mentioned * Want To Work With Me? Visit or email me at Enjoy! Transcript Hey guys and girls welcome back to another episode of the sales funnel mastery podcast. Today we have on line Peter Shankman and I have been following Peter for it is probably good 6 or 7 years something like that back when he sold the company called Help A Reporter Out about 5 or 6 years ago. So I have been following him since back then. He has a really, really cool story. A really quick intro, he can get into more detail on all this but basically