Get It Done Business Mum:

Episode #4: How to Live a No-Regrets Life and Choose an Empowered Future with Motivational Coach Kate O’Brien



We often give time to our family, our business, helping friends and end up feeling guilty at the thought of having time to ourselves. We prioritise other things in life and as soon as we get busy, the first thing to drop is the most important. That’s why we LOVE what today’s podcast guest Kate O’Brien has to say about moving towards a place of truth and truly learning to listen to and love ourselves. Kate challenges you to have a break both literally and emotionally by creating space in your day just for you, do this every day for the next fortnight and you will feel a transformation that you now have more of you to bring to your life and others. Listen in to find out more about how you can create growth and development in your life and business. Claim your truth by not comparing your darker inside to other people’s shiny, polished fronts.What thoughts do you have that may be holding you back and what step can you take now to start propelling you forward? Get inspired to think deep and see REAL progress in yo