Get It Done Business Mum:

Episode 024: How to Take Control of Your Money Woes & Start Bootstrapping Like a Pro with Nicole Fende



If you are starting out and struggling to get the money flowing in your business, or you've been in biz for a while but are still having cashflow issues then you are going to be super-inspired by this interview with the Numbers Whisperer Nicole Fende. We recorded this interview back in 2014 as part of our Midas Touch Mama online summit and it was our most viewed and most popular interview, so we couldn't resist sharing it again here on the podcast. It's the money thing right!!! We know that this topic is HUGE for most, if not all, the Mums that we work with yet it is not often talked about so in this interview we dive straight in and talk about all things MONEY. Too many Mums in biz shy away from this topic, crossing their fingers and hoping that the money will just flow. We have certainly been guilty of this ourselves in the past! In this interview we talk openly and honestly about those money fears we all share, and we seek Nicole's advice about how to effectively kick-start your business even if you have v