Get It Done Business Mum:

Episode 026: How to Find 30 Guilt-Free Hours in Your Month with Kate Christie of Time Stylers



I bet we had you at 'hello' with that podcast title didn't we? I mean what Mama doesn't want to find out how to add 5 or 10 hours, let alone 30 hours, to their month! Surely that's not really possible right? Well we thought the same thing but after talking with Kate and hearing about the frame-work she has developed for herself and her clients, we can see that every Mum, no matter how time-efficient she thinks she is, can probably get something out of Kate's approach to managing time. Listen in to hear Kate's awesome tips around managing business and family life in a more time-effective way AND discover what Kate has learnt about business strategy along the way (this Mama has not just one but two profitable online businesses).