Get It Done Business Mum:

Episode 027: Getting Real About Doing What You Love & Juggling the Motherload with Alli Price



As mums in business, we often operate out of our homes. This eventually leads to feelings of isolation and lack of support. Our guest for today, Alli Price felt these herself and capitalised on it. She started  Businessmums' Networking Lunch in 2006 whilst still in the UK and provided a venue for mums to network  and attend workshops that will give them the knowledge and skills to run their businesses. She did this for four years until she gave birth to her second daughter and decided to move back to her hometown in Melbourne, Australia. There she founded Motivating Mum, "a business that helps mumpreneurs achieve their dreams as happily as possible." Now, Motivating Mum oversees 19 business mum clubs in Australia, majority of which are in Melbourne. Alli personally manages around 7 of these clubs and is actively involved in engaging with the members and organising meetups both online and offline. She's also mentoring other mums in biz and accepts speaking engagements around the country. She still remains invo